Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Trump Treehouse of Tall Stories, Treason & Tyranny - "Baby General's Golden Black Heart's Band / Sky's Orange When You've Got Blind Friends" - Song

My last post started with "In my last post here..." and ended with  "...well, it continues" with some mention of windmills in between.


Baby General's Golden Black Heart's Band / Sky's Orange When You've Got Blind Friends

It was two plus years ago today
That baby general came to have his say
In a propagandist fascist style
With his lies he'd go the extra mile
He'd hammer them unto the red
IQ's regressing in his stead
Baby general's golden black heart's band

We're baby general's golden black heart's band
We play you all ya need to know
Baby general's golden black heart's klan
The torches are only for show
Baby general's cor-rupt
Baby general's morally
Baby general's bankrupt black heart's band

There's nothing to be seen here
Just back room in the know
There's such important work be done
Now won't you all just pray with us
We love it when you're dumb

We don't want you to be in the know
But we make you feel you're in the show
Keep you happy swimming in the glow
Helps suck you in the undertow
Now let us to present to you
The sad and lonely Orange years

Baby general's golden black heart's band

Trump D's victim's tears...

What would you say if I sang you a lie
So obvious you can't deny?
But you take it and then get to singin' along
Cause re-ality it don't apply

Oh, the sky's purple when you've got blind friends
Mmm it's any color when the truth gets bent
Mmm the sky's orange is the new message sent

What would you say if I filled you with hate
Gave you an enemy you could detest
Locked them away less than human they're caged
As you lend deaf ear to mankind's rage

Oh, the sky's black to go along with blue
Mmm your hu-manity now shares that hue
Mmm your sold souls invent a diff-er-ent view

Could you think you need saving?
That will surely come bust
Do you need to get praying?
But only to an orange need's lust

Where will we be when sad histr'y holds true
(do you re-alize that there's a cost?)
It's measured in lives deemed be less than they be
(can you jus-tify the ones we toss?)

Oh you get by when smallish minds stay small
Mmm to think more's an order way too tall
Ooohh there's no longer a sure one for all

Do you feel the en-emy's breath
(when it's their last just at our door-step)
Does it feel sad em-powerin'
(to de-value them as he has pled)

Oh you get by when it's a think of group
Mmm it's much eas'r in an ignorance troupe
Mmm you 'splain why but only in a vacuum

Yes you get by
Believin' nationalist lies
You're just a means to his end


Thursday, June 20, 2019

A Next Day Must's Fact Check On The Night Befores Lie-Fest

Always my favorite thing following the latest "history, apparently, hasn't taught us a fucking thing" jackboot sentiment propaganda lie fest is the next day's fact checking article in the Washington Post and there are some doozies from last night to add to the over 10,000 lies already told in just 2 and half years. Which is actually kind of impressive in a sad, perverse kind of way.

There is the usual thrashing at the Meuller investigation being "illegal" somehow, or that it cleared him of obstruction (the unilateral judgement of a paid for loyalist AG isn't much of a confidence inspiring clearing) when it was noted that charges only weren't recommended due to DOJ guidelines or that it proved no collusion when it only didn't find enough direct evidence, though it did find plenty of "wink wink" glad acceptance of the assistance or even the lies to the genesis the investigation. But these lies/misinformation are standard stuff by now, as was most of the speech, but it still included the usual drawer full of Trump magic math and made up #'s, the overly exaggerated or just plain wrong timelines, his never correct talking of anything involving trade and its #'s, the undue credit taking when he was, in a lot of cases, just riding an existing uptick or coattail etc, but my favorite has to be the one he continues to bellow about the GOP Tax Cut Scam, the one he always claims to be the largest package of cuts in history when, in fact, it is eighth.

There were a few blustered new ones you'll find here but mostly it was an old magicianed hat night, filled with the usual rabid three legged rabbits.

Washington Post Fact Check Story 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Trump Treehouse of Tall Stories, Treason & Tyranny - "Tricking The Whole" - Song

In my last post here, song-wise, I mentioned tilting at windmills. That unflinching Quixote-esque need to wail at and fight against whatever it is that you feel needs be wailing at and fought against. Well, it continues ...

Tricking The Whole 

I'm tricking the whole to new reign of a King
To keep their minds from wondering
What the truth knows

I'm filling the gaps marking all that I say
With prop-a-ganda being way
To sell truth now

And it's really heady matter for elites I lie
For a fake press I lie
The haters cry

But see my dog base blinding there who loyally lap at my feet
Never finding truth crumbs on the floor

I'm painting bona fide in a red white and blue
My fingers make confusing swirls
Till you let go

Oooh Oooh Oooh Ahh Ahh
(succumb you will in time)
Hey Hey Hey....Hey

And hey batter batter batter
Swing and miss my man, can't hit this pitch you can't
Not this big spin
I'm on the mound base is the crowd
They pay no mind they are fact free
See how they're wowed by my huge back door curve

I never take time to study the things that were important yesterday
They don't matter now
Oooh Oooh Oooh Ahh Ahh
Hey Hey

I'm tricking the whole to new reign of a King
It gets my mind to wandering 'bout new royals Ohhhh
Who we could own owwwwnnn

I'm tricking the whole to new reign of a King
My mind is always floundering
In a dark a dark whole

Pea, New Arrivals & A Misplaced Dude

Now many of you are aware of my current living sitch (kidding...seriously, just kidding. If I ever actually use "sitch" instead of situation, like here, in the future, or any abbreviation of the kind, or use any acronyms for that matter I give you full permission to swat me about the head with something blunt or maybe soggy heavy or even poke me with a pointy stick).

So, beginning again, many of you are aware of my current living situation but for those who aren't I have a wonderful two bedroom place above a three car garage in the house of a landlady (Celie) who owns/runs an animal shelter and sanctuary. For all of the complaints I may have about living paycheck to paycheck and the difficulties that presents, of just being able to get by, where I, and my Bella and the Unintentionals lay our heads is not one of them. It's a best of spots. The Unintentionals by the way (not btw) are Mimi the Quirky, Cricket the Blind and a new big guy named Duke who I've come to simply call Dude, 'cause, well, he seems like one, and who came to be here from a sad situation that I won't go into (we'll keep him well Hope, I promise you). Suffice to say he's here at the moment and just needs to get along with my Bella and said Unintentionals, the Band if you will. He has some windows with plenty to see, a sort of cat TV, drama'd with the stories of cows and horses and chickens and roosters and cats and dogs, is fed well and has a cat guy who gives him kisses on the forehead. For a new misplaced dude? I hope that is, at least, some of what he could have wished for.

One of the things that has fascinated me from day one, Celie and I were talking of this this morning as a matter of fact, is how all the fur here get along, and there is a lot of fur. There are seven dogs, Pea, Polly, Chrissy, Eve & Senta (the big, really big, I mean wolf size big, German Shepherd sisters who thankfully have never thought of eating me) little Spanky (who has also never thought of eating me though I'm sure I could fend off the ankle advances) and a new bouncy, belly rubs welcome small one who I've named Georgia. Initially I came to call her "Gorgeous". There is a cat here named Handsome so why not a dog named Gorgeous I thought? Then Gorgeous morphed into Gorgeous George (as for some reason I remembered an old wrestler) and then Georgia. The naming thing can be a process.

There are also numerous cats starting with Bruce, who is the man, and on down. Honey Bob Tail "Boo", Cujo (who earns his name on occasion), Dolly, Sharky, Penny, Buck, Florida, Millie, Lola, Handsome, Trucker, Little Mama...and that's only in the house. There's also Dutch, Spud, Curly, Lumpy, Ghost and the B&W twins who come and go through a cat/dog door in the garage and lest we not foget the couple of nameless ones who have comfy spots on the front porch. I think I got everyone, apologies gang, to any of you I may have missed. And there's new kittens, baby raccoons, baby skunks and even baby groundhogs all underneath my ass in the garage, the kitchen, the downstairs bathroom, the sun room, the little barn and the big barn etcetera etcetera etcetera. It's a wonder of all spots here, all filled with fur and life, life just looking for care and it is a LOT of care. Cheers to you Celie, Momma Doolittle, for that, for them. As my Dad would have said "You're a better man (Woman) than I am Gunga Din". Miss you Dad.

Anyway, as to the getting along and what this long winded post is leading up to? Just a couple of perfect pictures (not pics) that exemplify this coexistence. A (daddy) Pea and a couple of the latest my new misplaced friend.

Here's to still breathing and still being able to note our lives.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Trump Treehouse of Tall Stories, Treason & Tyranny - "A Stay In The Strife" - Song

Windmills and time well spent tilting.

A Stay In The Strife

I read the news today, oh boy
Trump's crooked law set to investigate
Distraction's cries of being spied
Future des-pot just has to laugh
Conclusion's writ it's not a draft

William Low Barr is his new star
Re-cusal not this time full owned AG
Case outcome's all-ready been made
For roses garden stage
A victim propaganda play to usher base a brand new day

I read a story just to-day
About religious right their prayers have scored
To force the mass to live their way
Back-wards by the good book
Blindness the new look

They love to dummmmmb yooooou downnnnnnn


(It's rock paper scissors, what do you choose sir?
Rock of course
But paper covers you
Then I'll be paper
But scissors cuts you
Well I'll be scissors then
But rock breaks you
Well how can I win?
You can't's a check check check
Well that's not me...there has to be a win
There are wins, but only temporary sir
Well can I be all three checks?
That's not how it works sir
Don't tell me about how things work)


Woke up, feeling of dread
Dragged democracy across my head
Found a few old tales in parchment notes
And looking up the founder's they did spoke
Found they liked a scene of checks
Keep Kings out of our new stead
But treason's elephant it's got a brand new game
Dem-ocracy?'s merely now mundane



(You see, it's all about changing the rules son
But changing them isn't fair sir
There is no fair
But you just said, to you, the game wasn't fair
It wasn't to me then, but I discovered it was rigged and I couldn't win
It wasn't rigged sir
Whatever, this is a new fair
Okay sir but....?
No buts...and everyone I talk to agrees)


So there's the news today, oh boy
Fake called it is the tried true orange ploy
To gather base who pay no mind
To what real truth may find
It's daily King con-firmed they'll buy always the any of his lies

Trump loves to dummmmmb yooooou downnnnnnn


(I'm sorry sir, it's been decided, you can't change the rules
Really? Who said that?
Rock, paper or scissors?
Ok, I'll play along...again...rock
Sorry, but parchment wins
Good luck with that son. It's just tired old words on paper written by a bunch of tired old men.
Can I borrow those scissors...and a sharpee?)