Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Season's Final Friday Night Light's Football Weekend's Not Pizza

Well, another season of High School Football games with Spectrum Sports and the coolest of cool crews is in the books, Me and BB done with our runs up Albany way for now. While we all finished up this weekend one more time, our broadcasts included the crowning of a few division champs, including Shenendahowa and Queensbury (and discovered, in the process, why Queensbury is a running football team as the few passes they did attempt were more blimps or alley-oops than anything else).

There was celebrating, there was crying, there was thanking the heavens and there was cursing the fates, but no participant trophies here. It's a win or lose kinda thing in the real sport's world, no middle ground. Kids anticipate, then kids celebrate or kids cry all with a hell of a lot drama, violent football sounds, screamed coaching obviousness, screamed fan obviousness and a lot of riveting and fun football in between.

I have to admit though, that I was feeling a little creaky on the sidelines this weekend, for the first time really, by the end of Saturday night's game. 10 straight weeks of leaving the regular gig a couple of hours short of a full day, the stress of trying to meet that couple of hours short 3:30p escape time deadline on busy radio production Fridays for a 4 hour round trip with 5 hours of a broadcast in between caught up with me, especially with this weekend being a double header. The cold didn't help either. Sorry, I SHOULD say, the fucking cold didn't help either. That first real cold of the year always feels a little bit more.


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